2025 Secret of Mana懶人包,推薦清單整理


Secret of Mana

Secret of Mana, originally released in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 2, is a 1993 action role-playing game developed and published by Square for the Super ...

Secret of Mana (中英韓文版)

角色模組、遊戲系統、介面皆針對現代最新硬體翻新,而原作風格則原封不動。 此外,還追加了所有樂曲的新編曲版、角色對話完全配音、對話事件等諸多新要素。 蘭迪、普莉姆、 ...

Secret of Mana

Play as Randi and his two companions, Primm and Popoi, as they adventure all around the world. At the center of our epic story is the mystical power of Mana.

Secret of Mana HD

Embark on an action-packed, worldwide adventure in the 3D remastered version of Secret of Mana. Take on the role of Randi, a young boy tasked with reviving ...

Secret of Mana on Steam

Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series. Now it's finally getting a long-awaited, full 3D remake!

聖劍傳說2 SECRET of MANA

稱為故事的關鍵的是,肉眼無法看到的強大能量瑪娜。與企圖奪取瑪娜之力的帝國軍團的戰鬥,與掌握著大自然神秘力量的精靈們的相遇等等,在這場冒險之旅中,會有著各種各樣 ...